2016: Website Moved to NEW Wordpress Blog!
Check out our New Website and New Facebook Group. This web site is just a back-end file store and also used to maintain our email lists.
2015-04-25: April Launch Moved To May 2nd
We got a bit more weather than we bargained for this Saturday, so we're Pushing back our April 25th launch back to May 2nd. See
our calendar for more information.
2015-01-22: Members Meeting and 2015 Elections at the Space Building
On Thursday the 22nd, at The Space Building in the CRC, 5:30pm - 8pm, NRV Rocketry will hold our annual elections and be accepting 2015 membership forms and dues. More info on our calendar and follow up discussions on our mail list.
High Reliability, Complex Rocket Motor Igniter Construction by Pat Artis, 2014-11-18
At our November 18th members meeting, club member and IT/Engineering legend Pat Artis gave this eye opening presentation on how to make high reliability igniters for complex rocket configs with redundant flight computers for ground cluster and air start motor configs.
2014-09-27: Special Guest Launch, "Rocket Boy" Homer Hickam Visiting our September 27th Launch at Kentland Farms!
NRV Rocketry is honored to host the world renound "Rocket Boy" Homer Hickam (of "October Sky" fame), right here at our September 27th high power launch at Kentland Farms!... The full day launch goes from 10am - 6pm (volunteers please show up at 9am, no later than 9:30).
NOTE: This is a semi-public, word-of-mouth only event. Please do not post this on any other web site, social media, media outlet or mass announcement. Send people here or to our calendar for more information on attending.
Homer is going to come out and meet our NRV rocketeers from 11am-1pm to shake some hands, sign some books, and inspire young minds to reach for the stars!

The launch runs from 10am - 6pm, but Mr. Hickam will only be on site visiting with us from 11am - 1pm. We will also have the really yummy hot dog vendor Eat The Family Dog from 11-1pm serving reasonably priced food and drinks, and all day will have an on site port-a-potty, as well as Homer related books and DVDs on hand for sale and signing. This will truly be a momentous occasion you won't want to miss! For up to the minute launch info details (weather, parking ,etc) see our mail list here.
We will have Ken Allen of Performance Hobbies there with us, bringing us hazmat-fee free motor deliveries to the launch. So please place your orders with him sooner than later, and indicate that this is for the NRVR 9/27 launch. For low power motors, we hear that Stacy from Adventure Hobbies (right here in town) it going to be there for us also.
Sponsored & Volunteers from: Rackspace, VBI, the NRV Rocketry Members, the VT AIAA, and VTARA.
ALL LAUNCH/EVENTS - See the events calendar (left, or top "calendar" link)
All launch and meeting events are now documented in our calendar on the font of our main page, via the "calendar" link on the top nav bar a well as on our facebook page. The Launches page is soon being changed into a lauch-sites page with launch field info for our various launch sites.
2014-06-28 - One Day, High Power Launch at VT Kentland Farms!
One day launch at VTs Kentland Farms in Blacksburg VA for both class-1 (model) & class-2 (High Power) flights! Add the launch to your own calendar using our new calendar, more details on the launches page and up to the minute updates (the morning of the launch) on the NRVR Mail List (or for related questions).
2014-05-31 - One Day, High Power Launch at VT Kentland Farms!
One day launch at VTs Kentland Farms in Blacksburg VA for both class-1 (model) & class-2 (High Power) flights! Add the launch to your own calendar using our new calendar, more details on the launches page and up to the minute updates (the morning of the launch) on the NRVR Mail List (or for related questions).
2014-04-19 - One Day, High Power Launch at VT Kentland Farms!
One day launch at VTs Kentland Farms in Blacksburg VA for both class-1 (model) & class-2 (High Power) flights! Add the launch to your own calendar using our new calendar, more details on the launches page and up to the minute updates (the morning of the launch) on the NRVR Mail List (or for related questions).
2014-02 - February: Open Meeting and One Day High Power Launch
Our open to the public Febrary 20th meeting features various High Power NRVR members talking about what it takes to move from model and medium power rocketry into High Power! See our events calendar for more info, time, date and directions!
Also in February Saturday the 22nd, we're havingour first high power launch of the year at Kentland!! Bring your kids and rockets and come fly with us! Deails on the launches page and our new calendar for time, details and directions.
(see all old news events)