NRV Rocketry Application:				v2013-02-19
-Your full name + how you wish it to appear on member card:

-Your Current Age:

-Applying as: Student  (free)* / Individual ($15) / Family Membership ($20)**
   -*Full time students must provide photocopy of current,  current student ID
   -**Other family members: names, ages and TRA/NAR member #s
   -Personal checks or money orders only

-What is your TRA/NAR #(s) (if applicable):

-If member of TRA/NAR, What is your current "Cert Level" (1-3, or n/a=0): 

-If not, want to join the Tripoli Rocketry Association (TRA) now through NRVR?
 (~$60-70/yr, see here
  and include the TRA application form and check (only) payment to 
  "Tripoli Rocketry Association")

  NOTE: If joining the TRA through NRVR, please do so  by check only.
        We don't want your credit card info. Otherwise, we recommend 
	joining the TRA via their web-site/paypal and give us your 
	TRA# once complete.

-Your mailing Address (street address preferred)

-Your Phone Number (mobile preferred)

-Your ICE/Emergency Contact person (name, relation and phone#)

-Your Email address: 
   -add to the nrvr list?
   -add to the nrvr launches-only list?
   -want your own email forwarding alias?

By submitting this application for New River Valley Rocketry membership, the 
applicant agrees to adhere to all safety and operations codes associated with  
the activities undertaken by NRVR.  The applicant  also agrees to assume all 
risks inherent to rocketry and  waive any liability of New River Valley 
Rocketry, it's members,  officers or governing body for their or your 
activities and/or the activities of others at NRVR events.




To apply to the NRV Rocketry community club, simply fill in  the information
above, print it and include a check to "NRV Rocketry" to:
        Thomas Weeks, NRV Rocketry Treasurer
        4095 Fortress Dr
        Blacksburg VA 24060

or email a scanned PDF to tweeks at (replace " @ " with "@" minus 
the quotes) and drop a check in the mail.