2013-12-17th - NRVR Member and Public Meeting at the VT "Space Building", Tue night from 6:30-9pm We are holding a member + public meeting TUESDAY NIGHT (Dec 17th) at the Space Building in the CRC (1901 Innovation Drive, Blacksburg). There will be pizza, but members are encouranged to bring Christmassy snacks or finger foods. For more info, see the NRV Rocketry, December mail list archive. |
2013 Nov 6&7 - Rocket Build w/Blacksburg Middle School, Sponsored & Assistnace by Rackspace/VBI/VT-Rocketry/NRVR! The Burgs came out and documented our latest STEM outreach event and did a write up on it titled, "As a matter of fact, it is rocket science" (archived link to PDF here). Volunteers from NRV Rocketry, Rackspace, VBI and the VT-Rocketry club all showed up in force to help the kids learn rocket science (CG, GP, stability), do some math regarding their rocket's stability and prepare them to launch. Although the launch didn't happen (due to high winds), fun was had by all involved! A makeup launch date is in the works and the kids plan on calculating the rocket's exact altitude using angle measurements and trig functions. |
2013 Sept-Oct - Four Upcoming Fall NRVR Launches! We've got a ton of launches coming up in September and October, at both Sinkland and Kentland Farms! Seven days of launches spread over 4 separate weekends! Check out all the details on our launches page. |
2013-08-27th - NRVR Open Meeting and Member Demo Night at the VT "Space Building", Tue night from 6:30-9pm Our own founding member (and sponsor) Jordan Truesdell will be giving a demo talk on "Tracking your rocket with amatuer radio GPS". Here is also a set of related resource links too. Details on the NRV Rocketry, August mail list archives. |
2013-07-27th - One Day High Power Launch at VT Kentland Farms! Saturday only, high power launch at VTs Kentland Farms in Blacksburg VA. See the launches page and NRVR Mail List for more info. |
2013-06-13th - NRVR Open Meeting and Member Demo Night at the VT "Space Building" from 6-9pm This demo meeting is open to all. There will be several demonstrations (details here), and high power related door prizes for few lucky winners! No pizza at this meeting, so grab a bite before coming. More info or questions, see the NRVR Mail List.
2013-04-13&14th - Two Day High Power Launch at VT Kentland Farms! Two day launch at VTs Kentland Farms in Blacksburg VA for both class-1 (model) & class-2 (High Power) launches! Stay tuned on the launches page and NRVR Mail List for more info. |
2013-03-19th - NRV Rocketry + VT Rocketry, Open Demo Night Meeting at VT "Space Building" from 6:30-9pm Our second group meeting is open to all. Several NRVR/VT Rocketry members will have walk-up demo tables showing various high power rocket construction techniques, HP rocket electronics, a special presentation and really cool door prize giveaway! No pizza at this meeting, so grab a bite before coming. More info or questions, see the NRVR Mail List.
2013-02-16&17th - Two Day High Power Launch at VT Kentland Farms! Two day launch at VTs Kentland Farms in Blacksburg VA for both class-1 (model) & class-2 (High Power) launches! Motor vendor will be on site on Sat 16th is taking pre-orders for launch delivery now! See the launches page for more info. |
2013-01-29 - NRV Rocketry "founding membership meeting" at the VT "Space Building" from 6-9pm Everyone is invited to the first ever NRV Rocketry "membership meeting"! Now that NRVR is an official TRA prefecture (with insurance, benefits, etc), VT Aerospace and the student rocketry club is hosting our first ever membership meeting! There will be pizza, rocket videos, High Power rocket technology reviews, free "door prizes", and the opportunity to officially join NRV Rocketry club as a special "Founding Member" and receive all the benefits of NRVR membership. Check out this this mail list post for the meeting announcement and relevant details. Also, help us get a pizza head count by RSVPing on our Facebook event page here. Want to help us get the word out? Here's a nice color flyer that Bob made for the meeting. Feel free to paste them up around town and campus! :) |
2012-12-08 - VT USLI Launch! The Virginia Tech USLI (University Student Launch Initiative) student group is having a 20 team, competitive launch, overseen by NRVR at Kentland Farms on Saturday from 10am-4pm. All NRVR members are welcome to come see the student launch as well as bring their own class-1 rockets! See the launches page for details! |
2012-10-27 - Sinkland Farms Afternoon & NIGHT LAUNCH! Sinkland Farms is having us back, the last Saturday in October setup and do a launch from the afternoon, through dusk and into the night hours! Latest info on the launches page and email listsfor more details!
2012-10 - New River Valley Rocketry Becomes Official TRA Prefecture #143!!! Thanks to all the hard work of Bob Schoner, Tom Weeks, Monta Elkins and Dr. Shinpaugh, NRV Rocketry is now our own legit HP rocket club with our own insurance and everything! Big big thanks too out to Chuck Neff and the VAST guys for helping us get going and cover all of the NRV area launches we shared in! Thanks guys!
2012-09-29 & 30 - Sinkland Farms Pumpkin Festival & Two Day Rocket Launch! Sinkland Farms has cordially invited NRV Rocketry out to their farms to help blast in their Fall Pumpkin Festival! This two day launch will be awesome, not only for the rockets, but for all the other family fun activities going on! Hay rides, Pumpkin Chunkin', moon bounce, corn maze, live music, meat-on-a-stick... they've got it all! See the launches page for more details for you folks wanting to launch with us at this cool new venue, and once a year family event!
2012-07-21 - Sinkland Farms Low-Power Rocket Launch! (one day) This small, private launch at the new Sinkland Farm site went off without a hitch. Not only was there not a drop of rain, but the backdrop of the beautiful NRV hills was breathtaking! We expect great things from this launch site. Keep your eyes peeled for a much larger September launch here!
2012-05-19 - Adventure Hobby Fun Day & Model Rocket Launch!(builds & launches overseen by NRVR.ORG) This full day launch was intended for the local NRV kids, but the parents all had a blast too! It was a beautiful spring day in the mid 70s and we worked with the kids to launch around 30 or so of these little cardboard saucers. We even had a couple of PhDs and IT geeks stop by and say hi. A really fun time was had by all in attendance. For more info, see the launches page.
2012-02-04 - NRVR / VAST Two Day Model + High Power Rocket Launch! Another successful two day VAST/NRVR + VT Launch event! Lots of large, high fliers, classic class-1/Estes rockets, and even a couple of L2 certs! Launch details on the Launches Page!
2011-09-10 - NRVR / VAST Two Day High Power Rocket Launch, Huge Success! This, the second NRVR launch (and first to include VAST on site) was very special. Not only was it the first launch to bring NRVR, VAST and VT Aerospace together, but it was also the ten year anniversary of the 9/11 catastrophe from 2001. To the latter point, we all dedicated this launch (that morning) to the memory of those who lost their lives to that fateful event, and to the soldiers and families who have continuously sacrificed for this country from that date until now. <read more>
2011-04-30 - The Inaugural New River Valley Rocketry Launch, April 30th 2011 It was a beautiful spring Saturday afternoon on April 30th at the VT Kentland Farms in rural Montgomery County. This was the inaugural launch of the New River Valley Rocketry group, sponsored by VAST, and paired up with the VT AOE (Aerospace and Ocean Engineering) team. The student AIAA team brought out their new team project rocket with a 5 motor cluster, and the annual AOE/AIAA student picnic shifted to our venue which added the smell of char broiled meat to the already smoky scene.<read more> |