[NRV Rocketry] Saturday Day + Night Launch

Thomas Tweeks Weeks tom at theweeks.org
Thu Oct 20 23:08:43 CDT 2022

Hey all..

The weather for the Saturday launch looks AWESOME!  From 
mid 50s-60s all day, clear skies, and just 1-4mph winds!

Don't forget.. It's a Day + Night launch!
* Day = 10am - 5pm
* Night = 6-9pm

For the 10am setup, if anyone is able to help with setup, we always appreciate it!

Some special night launch rules. In a nut shell:
* People in the launch area and fetching rockets must have a 
  personal light on them at all times. 
* All night rockets bust past RSO inspection and fly during 
  the day before flying at night
* All night rockets, like people, must have on board 
  lighting so we can see it go up,  and track it back down.

More detailed rules here:

More launch details for day and night here:
Day: https://tinyurl.com/2022-day-launch
Night: https://tinyurl.com/2022-night-launch

Hope to see some cool stuff go up this year!

Pres NRVR.org

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