[NRVR-Members] VAST Launch this Weekend
Adrien Drouault
adrien.drouault at gmail.com
Thu Jul 8 11:23:56 CDT 2021
I am definitely planning on going up to VAST this weekend; is anyone else
interested in going?
Also, I know some of you have been there before; this will be my first time
there. Are there any special steps we need to take beforehand? A
couple of things that I know (or think I know, based on their "Flyer
Information" page <https://www.valleyaerospace.com/index.php/flyer>):
- Their field is about 1000' MSL higher than ours, so adjust your sims
- Their field has some size constraints, so if you have something big
and gnarly, definitely contact Chuck first
- Similarly, if you're going past 2k AGL, plan for dual deployment or a
chute release
- I'm pretty sure they have a standing "no sparky" rule
- Big, slow, low and visible seems to be the best method for flying there
I'm planning on flying my *Chunky Monkey*, but not very high, mostly as a
second round of systems checks.
Let's see if we can get out there and burn some motors
*Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum viditur.*
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