[NRVR-Members] Saturday

Thomas Tweeks Weeks tom at theweeks.org
Fri May 25 10:26:25 CDT 2018

Hello all!
Right now the launch is marked as "TENTATIVE".  
What does this mean?  In short, we are not expecting to be completely rained out but there may be periods of rain on and off all day - or maybe not. 
As long as there is no lightning, there should be opportunities to fly and we plan to be there to set up at 9:00.  Please monitor the [ web site ]( http://nrvr.org/ ) and [ this email list here ]( http://server2.nrvr.org/pipermail/nrvr-members/2018-May/thread.html ) for any last minute updates in the morning. 
Bob is listed as tomorrow's Launch Director.. 
Assuming it's happening, we need to ensure we have:
-Setup/breakdown volunteers
-RSO volunteers
-LCO volunteers
so please speak up if you're able to help out.

On Wednesday, May 23, 2018 9:48am, "Adrien Drouault" <adrien.drouault at gmail.com> said:

Weather prediction isn't looking very good for this weekend... Fingers crossed that the forecasters are inaccurate this time...

Quid quid latine dictum sit altum viditar.
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